
ISHM 2019
We are excited for another year at ISHM. Make sure you stop by and see Dave as this year marks his 30th year at ISHM!!!
Always informative and fun, a great bang-up demo is waiting for you from Perma-Cal at The School of Hydrocarbon Measurement.

As we have in the past, we will be attending WGMSC 2019 in Boise, ID
Visit us at Booth 58 for a Demo and to see our new welded mini-seal. We look forward to seeing you there.
The Western Gas Measurement Short Course is dedicated to the education of natural gas industry personnel in the areas of measurement, pressure & flow control.

ISHM 2018
Come learn about the advantages of Perma-Cal gauges at this years ISHM (International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement).

ASGMT (American School of Gas Measurement Technology) is the largest gas measurement school in the United States devoted to natural gas measurement, pressure regulation, flow control, and other measurement related arenas.

Perma-Cal will have a presence at The International School of Hydrocarbon Measurements. The 2017 school will offer over 260 technical classes that include fundamental classes and special hands on workshops covering a wide range of Gas and Liquid Measurement/Flow topics as well as an extensive educational exhibit area presented by leading manufacturers in the measurement industry.

As we have in the past, we will be attending WGMSC 2017 in Anaheim, CA
Visit us at Booth 63 for a Demo. We look forward to seeing you there.
The Western Gas Measurement Short Course is dedicated to the education of natural gas industry personnel in the areas of measurement, pressure & flow control.